Along with just about every other market out there, the auto insurance industry has a growing number of smartphone applications available to drivers. Several different insurance companies are offering their customers car insurance apps, including Allstate, Progressive, Nationwide, State Farm and Others.
Company experts have said that customers are expecting these mobile apps to be available to them at a growing rate. This growth in technology can help individuals better communicate with their insurance provider and may allow them to more conveniently navigate their accounts.
Most of these new applications are free to download and use as long as the customer has a smartphone. Drivers can view their policy details, make payments and depending on the company, purchase additional coverage. Some other applications also give visitors the ability to compare car insurance quotes among several different companies.
Some applications allow users to file claims directly from their smartphones. Previous apps only allowed the driver to submit an email to their insurance agent, but newer more-evolved applications allow the person involved in the accident to send pictures detailing damage. They can also document the time, place and location of the accident for future claim purposes.
Other programs are available to document glass damage and allow the individual to find the nearest car repair shop and towing services. This can help limit the number of drivers that find themselves stranded on the side of the road following an accident or breakdown. Some apps can show people their car repairs in real time, providing photos of the vehicle’s repair process. All of these beneficial applications are only available to smartphone users. Many of these services are available through a number of different apps, not just one single program.
Experts have found that the better applications allow customers to have round the clock access to their claims and also provide account assistance on how exactly to go about filing a car insurance claim, what information will be required for it to be processed and what the coverage will be.
People may also use Kelly Blue Book’s application to determine what their car’s value is and give them the ability to better understand what their potential auto insurance quotes will be. Perhaps the most convenient aspect of the smartphone app is the elimination of long wait times when trying to communicate with an insurance provider.