Car Insurance Frequently Asked Questions
Can you get auto insurance for driving in a state where you haven’t moved in yet?
Yes, you can if you have proper proof of address for the new place.
Do I need auto insurance for a learner’s permit?
Yes, you do require auto insurance for a learner’s permit. You can opt for your own coverage or might be added under the existing policy of your parents of the owner of the car.
Do I need to inform my insurance provider after an accident, even if there is no damage?
No, there is no need to inform the insurance company, unless you want to file a claim.
If I borrow a friend’s car, whose insurance will cover it?
The insurance stays with the car and it will be covered by the owner’s policy.
How can accidents be removed from driving record?
The accidents that are recorded to the DMV automatically go off records after 36 months.
Can a parking ticket raise car insurance premiums?
Most insurance companies do not assess non-moving violations as criteria for deciding premium rates.
Can an unemployed person get auto insurance?
Yes, as long as the premium is paid.
Is it true that insurance premium rates go down after drivers turns 25?
It mostly depends on your insurance providers. Some insurance companies may not lower their car insurance quotes until the driver turns 30. Also, the driver might need to have a clean driving record in order to qualify for a premium reduction
What happens if the car is stolen?
If the car is covered by comprehensive insurance, the insurance company will pay for the stolen car.
Can my insurance provider cancel my auto insurance policy without prior notification?
No. Insurance companies need to send written notification and the reason for canceling the policy. Most policies are cancelled due to non-payments of the premiums.
When do I need to get my new car insured?
This depends upon the auto insurance laws of your state. In some states you need to insure your car even before you start driving it.
I am single mother and I require my baby-sitter to drive my children to school and other places. Is she covered under my auto insurance policy?
Yes, if you add her to your policy, which will only happen if she has a proper driving record, a valid license, and a valid citizenship/residence
Do red cars cost more to insure?
No, the color of the car is not a factor to determine your car insurance quote. The make and model can be a factor but certainly not the color.
Does increasing age increase your auto insurance quotes too?
Some insurance companies are of the opinion that older drivers have accidents more frequently than younger drivers hence they set a higher cost for insuring them. But there are some providers who offer car insurance quotes for senior drivers at a competitive rate. Search for one of them.
If I am separated from my spouse will that affect my auto insurance?
If you are simply separated you may still enjoy sharing the same policy. But when your legal proceedings move forward and you are now using different marriage status, you need to have different policies. You may require to seek the advice of your divorce attorney too.
I am a physically challenged driver and drive a car that is customized for me. Will I be provided with a car insurance quote and policy?
Yes, you can get auto insurance since you have a valid driving license provided you prove your ability to drive and handle the car with safety. You may be requested to show a letter from your physician. It’s always good to have an open discussion with your agent or insurance provider about your disability and about your car that is customized for safe operations.
Do you need to insure you car even before you buy it?
In some states it is absolutely necessary to get coverage for your car even before you drive it out of the lot.
Can you have two insurance companies offering coverage for the same car?
Yes, this was made illegal, in order to prevent car fraud.
What type of coverage is required for a financed vehicle?
Drivers need full coverage, liability, collision or comprehensive to assure the bank that it will recover the loan amount, even in case of a total loss or if the vehicle needs extensive repairs.
Is it mandatory to buy an insurance policy from the same state where the car was purchased?
No, but it is required to buy a coverage from the same state in which the car owner resides.
Do insurance providers charge any policy fee?
Yes, most insurance providers can charge a policy fee. In USA the government has authorized other taxes and fees that the insurance providers require to collect from the state. There are also state fees on policies issued in that particular state. You are free to change your provider or refuse to pay these fees, but since these fees are mandated by the law, it won’t do you any good.
Is it mandatory to buy insurance coverage from the same insurance providers for all cars you own?
It is not mandatory to buy auto insurance for all your cars from the same provider. However, doing this can make you eligible for a discounted multi car insurance rate.
Are car insurance coverage offered to car owners who do not have a driver’s license?
It is possible to buy a car without a valid driver’s license but it will be very hard to get it covered. You may get storage insurance or get it insured under someone else’s name who has a valid driving license. There are some exceptions. Some states offer auto insurance to unlicensed drivers. You just need to find out if your state is one of those.
What is the minimum age required to buy car insurance?
This depends upon the auto insurance laws of the state. In most states it is either 18 or 21.
What type of auto insurance is required in United States?
Different states have different auto insurance laws, but most states require at least a minimum liability coverage to protect property damages and third party injuries. Some states require the PIP and uninsured motorist’s coverage too.
Is it a good idea to purchase your car insurance online?
Yes! Because can access information from multiple car insurance companies all at one time, you get the opportunity to compare and contrast the various car insurance quotes without having to make lengthy phone calls or spend a great deal of time on hold as the companies look up your options. Additionally, because we are available at any time, you don’t need to rely on customer service agents being on duty to answer your questions. Lastly, finding the best policy for the least money is always a good thing!
Is there a limit to the number of drivers or cars that I can insure on any given car insurance policy?
Traditionally, most insurance companies max out the policies at either four vehicles or four drivers. To cover additional cars or drivers, you will need to obtain additional policies. We provide you with information on multiple policies as simply and easily as your first car insurance quote!
How long does it take to get a quote?
Getting your car insurance quote takes just a few minutes. Because of the excellent tools built into our website, we easily pull the information you need from our sources in no time. We are available 24/7 to provide this information.
What information do I need to get my car insurance quote? believes strongly in protecting your privacy. The information that you provide to us to get your car insurance quotes is very basic, and is kept private. You will just need to provide us with information about where you live, your driving record and the record of anyone else that drives your car. It is simple! Just by answering a few questions, we can get you on the road to saving money on your car insurance quotes today.
Will my auto insurance cover my relatives who have international driver’s license?
You can add you relatives under your auto insurance policy coverage. Extra charges probably apply.
Can the auto insurance be transferred to a new vehicle?
Most companies start the new car insurance coverage as soon as you inform them.
How can I get auto insurance quotes as an exchange student?
It is very difficult indeed. Most exchange students are not allowed to drive any motor vehicle. However, you get a guardian at the students exchange department to include you under their insurance for an additional payment.
Are parents required to pay any additional charges for covering their children under their policy?
Yes, your car insurance quote will likely to go up as insurance companies consider teenagers to be risky drivers.
How can we distinguish between assigned risk and non-standard auto programs?
The assigned risk auto insurance is the auto insurance placed by the state while a non standard auto insurance program is the insurance bought from an agent or directly from the company.
Will you have to pay for additional coverage if your friend drives your car?
Your current policy will automatically cover your friend. But if he/she lives in your house, you need to inform the company as this may affect the rate.
What to do if I left the keys locked inside the car?
AAA or other road side assistance will unlock your car as part of their services.
These are just a few of the questions you might have about auto insurance quotes and policies. Feel free to take a more extensive look at our article database if you need more detailed information about automobile insurance. If you do not see the answer you are looking for, please feel free to email us directly and we will respond promptly!
How much do I have to pay to get an estimate?
Nothing. does all the legwork and research for you, connects you to the right auto insurance agent, and gets you started on a new, less expensive car insurance quote for free.