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So far admin2 has created 116 blog entries.
4 08, 2011

Car insurance quotes may be affected by Texas not banning texting while driving

By | August 4th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Contrary to the movement sweeping across much of the country, Texas Governor Rick Perry recently vetoed legislation that would have banned texting while driving. The Governor claimed that the legislation would have overreached the bounds of what the government's role in individuals lives should be. He said the bill was aimed at micromanaging the behavior [...]

17 11, 2011

Government & Manufacturers Working on Connected Vehicle Technologies

By | November 17th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and other agency officials recently examined a number of connected vehicle safety technologies, which may decrease the incidence of collisions significantly. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates they may affect as many as 80 percent of vehicle crashes not involving impaired drivers. In particular, accidents which [...]

26 09, 2011

Proper Tire Pressure can Help Save Money on Car Insurance

By | September 26th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Some car owners wait until their scheduled maintenance and have a mechanic inflate their tires, but a regular checkup and inflation of car tires can save gas and money. Even President Obama, during his campaign run in 2008, brushed touched on the topic. "Making sure your tires are properly inflated, simple thing, but we could [...]

3 11, 2011

New California Law Eases Access to State’s Low-Cost Car Insurance Quotes Scheme

By | November 3rd, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

California Governor Jerry Brown recently signed into law a bill authorizing low-income residents with good driving records to get their car insurance quotes through the state's Low-Cost Auto Insurance Program online. The program generally costs $250 to $360 per year for a policy, and provides basic coverage. In the past, many drivers were unaware of [...]

1 08, 2011

Smartphone applications simplifying car insurance

By | August 1st, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Along with just about every other market out there, the auto insurance industry has a growing number of smartphone applications available to drivers. Several different insurance companies are offering their customers car insurance apps, including Allstate, Progressive, Nationwide, State Farm and Others. Company experts have said that customers are expecting these mobile apps to be [...]

7 12, 2011

Auto Insurance Deductibles Explained

By | December 7th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

When looking at car insurance policies, the deductible is one of the most important features to consider. Essentially, a deductible is the amount the policyholder will pay when an insured loss occurs. If an insured car sustains damage covered by the policy that is worth a certain amount, the owner will pay the deductible and [...]

26 07, 2011

Safety features may help save lives and money on car insurance quotes

By | July 26th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

When purchasing a new vehicle, paying for additional safety features may not seem like a valuable out-of-pocket expense at the time, but these additional precautions may not only help save the lives of the driver and his or hers passengers, they may also reduce car insurance quotes. Why give discounts for safety features? Auto insurance [...]

16 11, 2011

Factors that Determine the Cost of a Car Insurance Policy

By | November 16th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

While the precise method of calculation may differ between coverage providers, auto insurers generally use the same types of information when determining their car insurance rates. A given customer's rates are generally determined based on statistics and analysis of the likelihood that the driver will get into an accident and file a claim. As a [...]

1 11, 2011

Booster Seats Getting Safer

By | November 1st, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

While many drivers focus on getting a low car insurance quote, many forget how important it is to have a good child seat in place in terms of safety precautions. The latest ratings from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety show booster seats continue to improve, with this year's research designating 31 models as Best [...]

26 07, 2011

New fuel mandates may diminish safety, increase car insurance quotes

By | July 26th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

The Obama Administration decided last year that all new cars and light trucks must get an average of 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016. While this may seem like an environmentally friendly measure, experts from the Institute for Energy Research have found that this mandate will raise car prices and increase the number of deaths [...]