provides you with up to date information on car insurance. Our resource section will enable you to be informed on auto insurance and make the right choice.
Marijuana Processing Draws Seasonal Workers to California
The annual march of migrant marijuana workers throughout California’s pot-rich North Coast is in full swing but, like the pot industry itself, reaction to the workers’ presence is mixed. Some residents say the migrant workers contribute to the economy, but …
Sudden Collapse of Health Co-Op in N.Y. Leaves Doctors Owed Millions
The sudden collapse of the largest nonprofit insurance cooperative created by President Barack Obama’s health care law is causing headaches in New York, especially for medical providers owed millions of dollars for treating the failed plan’s patients. More than 200,000 …
Texas Insurance Group Says to Lock, Take, Hide on Black Friday
The Insurance Council of Texas is warning shoppers about possible vehicle break-ins on the Black Friday shopping holiday. Criminals will be intent on burglarizing vehicles that may have been left unlocked or simply have phones, I pads, gifts, and other …
USI Names Peirce Employee Benefits Leader, Producer for Mountain Region
USI Insurance Services has named Robert Peirce employee benefits leader and producer for the Mountain region. Peirce is responsible for driving revenue growth as well as managing a book of prospects and clients for USI in Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota …
Thanksgiving Safety Tip: Don’t Rinse That Turkey!
The instructions for many Thanksgiving turkey recipes say to “rinse turkey thoroughly.” However, this is a huge food safety problem, according to Christine Bruhn, PhD, CFS, food science professor from University of Califorina-Davis who is an Institute of Food Technologists …
Michigan Places Consumers Mutual Insurance in Rehabilitation
The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) has placed Consumers Mutual Insurance of Michigan (Consumers Mutual) in rehabilitation. Consumers Mutual has been offering health insurance through Michigan’s health insurance marketplace. The company and the DIFS jointly announced in early November that …
Planet Moves Closer to Dangerous Levels of Warming with 2015 Temperatures: UN
The planet is halfway to dangerous levels of global warming, with the average temperature for 2015 set to eclipse last year’s record, the United Nations said. This year’s average temperature will be “approximately” 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above the …
Hamilton’s Lloyd’s Operations Appoints 2 Senior Underwriters
Hamilton Underwriting Ltd., the managing agency of Lloyd’s Syndicate 3334, and the Lloyd’s operations of Hamilton Insurance Group, announced the appointment of two senior underwriters who will lead the syndicate’s planned product diversification. Stuart Quinlan has been appointed to the …
NORCAL Mutual to Acquire FD Insurance in Florida
NORCAL Mutual Insurance Co. and FD Insurance, a medical malpractice provider for physicians and surgeons in Florida, have signed a definitive agreement for NORCAL to acquire FD Insurance. This acquisition expands NORCAL’s national footprint and establishes Jacksonville, Fla., as its Southeast …
A.M. Best: Outlook Stable for Missouri Valley Mutual Insurance
A.M. Best has revised the outlook to stable from negative and affirmed the financial strength rating of B+ (Good) and the issuer credit rating of “bbb-” of Missouri Valley Mutual Insurance Co. (Missouri Valley) in Burke, S.D. The rating outlook reflects Missouri …