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12 11, 2015

Ironshore Hires Merola as Branch Executive of Western Penn., W.Va. Region

By | November 12th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Ironshore Hires Merola as Branch Executive of Western Penn., W.Va. Region

Ironshore Inc. has named Emily C. Merola as branch executive of the Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia region to lead development efforts in the newly established Pittsburgh office. Merola will be responsible for distribution marketing and product development for commercial …

11 11, 2015

Engineers Investigating Cause of Collapsed Parking Lot in Mississippi

By | November 11th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Engineers Investigating Cause of Collapsed Parking Lot in Mississippi

  Engineers are trying to determine what caused a drainage structure to collapse beneath the parking lot of a new restaurant, opening a gap that swallowed at least 14 vehicles, a mayor in eastern Mississippi said Monday. Meridian Mayor Percy …

11 11, 2015

U.S. Must Hold Takata Accountable for Air Bag Recall: Senators

By | November 11th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on U.S. Must Hold Takata Accountable for Air Bag Recall: Senators

Two influential U.S. senators, worried about Takata Corp.’s ability to complete its recall of potentially deadly air bag inflators, sought regulatory guidance on how to hold the Japanese company accountable if its U.S. subsidiary goes bankrupt. “We have concerns about …

12 11, 2015

Insurance and Safety Issues Delay Iran’s Entry into Global Oil Tanker Market

By | November 12th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Insurance and Safety Issues Delay Iran’s Entry into Global Oil Tanker Market

Even after Western sanctions are lifted, Iran’s oil tanker fleet is expected to face more hurdles before many of the vessels can start trading again due to insurance hiccups and tougher requirements over sea worthiness by potential foreign clients. Iran’s …

12 11, 2015

N.Y. Regulators Weigh Cybersecurity Requirements for Banks, Insurers

By | November 12th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on N.Y. Regulators Weigh Cybersecurity Requirements for Banks, Insurers

New York regulators are considering a host of cybersecurity requirements for banks and insurers and urged other state and federal authorities to collaborate on establishing a framework of defenses for the financial sector. New York Financial Services Superintendent Anthony Albanese …

11 11, 2015

South Carolina Lawmakers Seek $500M to Repair Flood-Damaged Roads

By | November 11th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on South Carolina Lawmakers Seek $500M to Repair Flood-Damaged Roads

Democratic leaders in the South Carolina Senate say they will introduce a bill to borrow $500 million to repair or replace roads and bridges damaged by last month’s catastrophic flooding. Senate Minority Leader Nikki Setzler said Monday the amount can …

11 11, 2015

Illinois Company to Pay $1.7M to Settle Disability Discrimination Charge

By | November 11th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Illinois Company to Pay $1.7M to Settle Disability Discrimination Charge

Pactiv LLC, an Illinois-based provider of advanced packing solutions to customers around the world, will pay $1,700,000 to settle disability discrimination charge filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced. The EEOC said an investigation found …

12 11, 2015

Brazil Vows to Make BHP & Vale Pay Fine & Cleanup Costs for Mine ‘Catastrophe’

By | November 12th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Brazil Vows to Make BHP & Vale Pay Fine & Cleanup Costs for Mine ‘Catastrophe’

Brazil’s government said on Wednesday it may fine mining giants BHP Billiton Ltd and Vale SA for the “environmental catastrophe” caused by ruptured dams at an iron ore mine jointly owned by the companies in a southeastern state. The government …

12 11, 2015

NYC Mayor de Blasio Defends Traffic Safety Plan Despite Recent Deaths

By | November 12th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on NYC Mayor de Blasio Defends Traffic Safety Plan Despite Recent Deaths

Three people, including a child, crushed by a car that plowed into a group of trick-or-treaters. An 84-year-old woman run over by a charter bus that never stopped. A grandmother struck by a taxi driver finishing a 16-hour shift. Since …

11 11, 2015

BHSI Launches Homebuilders Liability Coverage

By | November 11th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on BHSI Launches Homebuilders Liability Coverage

Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (BHSI) has expanded its construction-focused capabilities with the introduction of the Homebuilders Liability Insurance Policy, which extends flexible protection for tract homebuilders nationwide. Bill Sullivan, vice president, head of Construction Casualty for BHSI, said its proprietary …