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10 11, 2015

Delaware Marks Licensing of 1,000th Captive Insurer

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Delaware Marks Licensing of 1,000th Captive Insurer

Delaware Gov. Jack Markell presented Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart with a proclamation Monday recognizing the Department of Insurance’s (DOI) licensing of its 1,000 captive insurance company, AWI Inc. of Voorhees, New Jersey. Delaware is currently the sixth-largest captive domicile …

10 11, 2015

Indiana-Based Zimmer Wins First NexGen Flex Knee Devices Case

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Indiana-Based Zimmer Wins First NexGen Flex Knee Devices Case

Indiana-based medical device manufacturer Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc. has been cleared of liability in the first of more than 900 U.S. lawsuits to go to trial over claims that its NexGen Flex knee replacements were prone to painful, motion-impairing loosening. …

10 11, 2015

V3 Insurance Launches Management Liability Package

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on V3 Insurance Launches Management Liability Package

V3 Insurance Partners LLC has launched a new management liability package program, Vantage Point, for private companies and not-for-profit organizations. Vantage Point is a flexible insurance package created specifically for small- to mid-sized companies that offers comprehensive insurance coverages tailored …

10 11, 2015

Franklin, Indiana, Faces Big Change in Flood Plain Maps

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Franklin, Indiana, Faces Big Change in Flood Plain Maps

Hundreds of homes and businesses in a central Indiana city hit hard by flash flooding seven years ago could face hefty jumps in their insurance costs if updated federal flood plain maps are approved. About 70 percent of Franklin’s industrial …

10 11, 2015

New Storm Forecast Center Pairs UConn, Electric Utility Company

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on New Storm Forecast Center Pairs UConn, Electric Utility Company

Two days before Superstorm Sandy struck Connecticut in 2012, UConn scientists fed measurements from the storm and historical data from others into a computer model they developed and forecast where the most damage and power outages would occur. Their forecast …

10 11, 2015

NBA Star Duncan Files Another Suit Against Ex-Financial Adviser

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on NBA Star Duncan Files Another Suit Against Ex-Financial Adviser

San Antonio Spurs star Tim Duncan has filed another lawsuit against a former financial adviser who Duncan contends has cost him millions of dollars in lost investments. The lawsuit filed last week claims Charles Banks of Atlanta urged Duncan to …

10 11, 2015

Rosson of Woodruff-Sawyer in California amed Assurex Global Chair

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Rosson of Woodruff-Sawyer in California amed Assurex Global Chair

Charlie Rosson, CEO of San Francisco, Calif.-based Woodruff-Sawyer & Co., has been named as chairman of Assurex Global. Assurex Global is a partnership of independent agents and brokers. Assurex has more than 600 Partner offices across six continents. Rosson leads …

10 11, 2015

Aspen Launches Singapore Operation via Lloyd’s Platform; 2 Senior Execs Hired

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Aspen Launches Singapore Operation via Lloyd’s Platform; 2 Senior Execs Hired

Aspen Insurance Holdings Limited announced the entry of its insurance segment, Aspen Insurance, into Singapore through Aspen’s Lloyd’s syndicate on the Lloyd’s Asia platform, effective Jan. 1, 2016. The launch, which is subject to regulatory approval, is consistent with Aspen’s …

10 11, 2015

Xchanging Wins 3-Year Services Deal Supporting Lloyd’s Asia Platform

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Xchanging Wins 3-Year Services Deal Supporting Lloyd’s Asia Platform

Xchanging plc, the London-based business technology and services provider, has won a three-year contract to supply insurance services to the Lloyd’s service companies operating from the Lloyd’s Asia platform in Singapore, with effect from Jan. 1, 2016. The new cloud-based services …

10 11, 2015

Supreme Court in Bind Over Insurer’s Right to Insured’s Damages Money

By | November 10th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Supreme Court in Bind Over Insurer’s Right to Insured’s Damages Money

Which do the conservative justices hate more: personal-injury lawyers or interpreting a law loosely to expand the power of lower courts? That question was to be on the table Monday at the U.S. Supreme Court. The justices are hearing oral …