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9 11, 2015

Judge Dismisses California Suit Against Apple Over Worker Searches

By | November 9th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Judge Dismisses California Suit Against Apple Over Worker Searches

Apple Inc. persuaded a judge to throw out a lawsuit by employees of the company’s retail stores in California seeking back pay for time spent in “demoralizing” security searches when they left work for the day. The ruling by a San …

4 11, 2015

MarketScout Hires McGee as Workers’ Compensation Broker in Philadelphia

By | November 4th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on MarketScout Hires McGee as Workers’ Compensation Broker in Philadelphia

MarketScout, a national electronic insurance exchange and specialty MGA based in Dallas, has hired John McGee as broker in the Workers’ Compensation Brokerage division. He is based in Philadelphia. In his new role, McGee will be responsible for growing and …

6 11, 2015

5 Recent Reports on Businesses and Cyber Security, Liability and Insurance

By | November 6th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on 5 Recent Reports on Businesses and Cyber Security, Liability and Insurance

Cyber security is clearly on the minds of business executives, most of whom acknowledge their firms have been victimized by some sort of cyber attack. What else are they thinking about cyber security, cyber liability and cyber insurance? Below are …

5 11, 2015

Best Agency to Work For – South Central: Rich & Cartmill

By | November 5th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Best Agency to Work For – South Central: Rich & Cartmill

TULSA, OKLAHOMA Rich & Cartmill Inc. Best Agency to Work For – South Central   Rich & Cartmill Inc: A Package Deal One theme that emerged from employee comments about the Tulsa, Okla.-based agency, Rich & Cartmill Inc., in Insurance …

9 11, 2015

N.H. Insurance Department Hearing Examines Health Care Costs Trends

By | November 9th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on N.H. Insurance Department Hearing Examines Health Care Costs Trends

Health insurance premiums in New Hampshire increased relatively little for small and large businesses in 2014, while rates in the individual market went up significantly more, according to state-hired consultants. New Hampshire state law requires the Insurance Department to hold …

4 11, 2015

Treasury Names 12 to Federal Insurance Advisory Committee

By | November 4th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Treasury Names 12 to Federal Insurance Advisory Committee

The U.S. Department of the Treasury has named 12 individuals including several insurance industry executives, a professor, a consumer advocate and six state regulators to serve on the Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance (FACI).  The FACI was established to provide …

6 11, 2015

Now 40 Confirmed E. Coli Cases Linked to Chipotle in Pacific Northwest

By | November 6th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Now 40 Confirmed E. Coli Cases Linked to Chipotle in Pacific Northwest

The number of confirmed E. coli food poisoning cases linked to Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. restaurants in Washington state and Oregon rose to 40 on Thursday, as health safety officials continued searching for the source of the contamination. Oregon increased …

5 11, 2015

Technology Enables Insurers to Verify Garaging Location, Mileage and More

By | November 5th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Technology Enables Insurers to Verify Garaging Location, Mileage and More

Auto insurance companies now have a tool that lets them verify the garaging address of a vehicle, confirm the driver’s commuting mileage and obtain loss costs and premium differentials for the vehicle, all before binding the policy. GarageConfirm, a new …

9 11, 2015

Shurson Named Vice President of M.J. Hall in California

By | November 9th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Shurson Named Vice President of M.J. Hall in California

Stockton, Calif.-based M.J. Hall & Company Inc. has named Stacey Shurson vice president. Shurson has 39 years of insurance underwriting and brokerage placement experience. She owned IIW Insurance Services of California in Dublin from 1986 to 2013. M.J. Hall is …

4 11, 2015

Texas Leads States in Deaths from Deer Collisions

By | November 4th, 2015|Recent Articles|Comments Off on Texas Leads States in Deaths from Deer Collisions

For the majority of hunters November is the start of deer hunting season in Texas and the Insurance Council of Texas (ICT) wants to remind drivers to be careful to avoid collisions with deer. Tragically, more than 100 people are …