Auto insurance can sometimes be complex. There are a number of different forms of coverage available and drivers sometimes aren’t sure what they need to be adequately protected. Comprehensive car insurance is one of the most common optional coverage options. Drivers may benefit from understanding what it is and it what situations it may be useful.
What is comprehensive car insurance?
Comprehensive car insurance falls under the category of physical damage coverage, which differs from liability insurance because it covers the vehicle as opposed to bodily injury or other damages. Collision coverage is another form of optional insurance, but that only covers damages resulting from an accident between two vehicles.
For any other type of physical damage to a car, comprehensive car insurance coverage is necessary in order to successfully file a claim and recover damages. This includes objects hitting the vehicle and causing damage to the car that can sometimes be expensive to repair.
Why comprehensive car insurance may be beneficial
When purchasing car insurance, some drivers don’t consider that their vehicle can be damaged anywhere, not just when they are driving on the road. Though many incidents are caused by collisions, cars can be subject to hazards such as falling ice during the winter time or falling tree branches, even while they are “safely” parked on the side of the road.
Comprehensive car insurance can protect against these types of hazards and help subsidize repairs of broken glass, dents and other damages the car sustains.
Comprehensive car insurance coverage also covers accidents with animals which may result in expensive damages. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, collisions with wildlife result in $1.1 billion worth of vehicle damages per year in the U.S. Having optional comprehensive coverage in the event of hitting a deer or some other animal may save drivers a substantial amount of money.
For those interested in finding out more about comprehensive car insurance as well as any other optional form of auto insurance, they can contact their insurer or get a free quote online. The best time to inquire about optional coverage, particularly for those in areas prone to falling objects and other hazards, is as soon as possible – before an incident occurs.