To Lower your Car Insurance Rate even with your current car insurance company, you need to do some homework. With the right amount of leverage, you can convince your current auto insurance company to negotiate your current insurance rate for a better deal. However, how do you gain that leverage?
Follow these simple steps and you can broker yourself a great rate.
1. Fully understand your current policy, and make sure you have the right coverage now. Before you can begin negotiating a lower car insurance rate, you need to know about your current coverage. Spend some time getting to know your current policy before you begin shopping around; if it turns out that your current policy is insufficient, it is time to find a better policy and skip staying with your insurer.
2. Begin shopping around! This site can help you find multiple similar policies with different companies. This is the single most important element you need to negotiate down your policy. will be very instrumental!
3. Call your car insurance company. Once you have an agent on the phone, say simply and clearly: “ABC Car Insurance company is willing to offer me the same policy for a much lower rate.” Then wait. See what they say. If they do not immediately fight to keep your business, it is not worth staying with them. Leave, and use to find a better company.
4. If they agree that you are a valuable customer and they want your business.
Be an educated consumer and ask the following questions:
- If I insure both my home and my car with you, how much will I save?
- What about renewal discounts?
- If I pay in advance, is there a discount?
- What about my car; do you offer discounts for safety features?
- Will I save if I enroll in a defensive driving course?
- Do you offer low mileage discounts?
- Do you offer discounts to low-risk occupations?
- What about discounts to my employer?
- Do you offer discounts to any organizations?
- Am I paying for roadside assistance?
5. Discuss your deductible. The number one way to save money on your policy is to increase your deductible. Ask them to walk you through the process of what a higher deductible means, and what you might need to set aside in savings to accommodate it.
As you can see, when you are educated and armed with both facts and car insurance quotes from, you can easily earn yourself a discount on your car insurance policy.
Good luck, and good negotiating!