Purchasing an auto insurance plan can be one of the most costly expenses associated with owning a vehicle, which is why drivers interested in securing a policy should do their research before committing to one. Fortunately, there are many resources available for shoppers who are looking to find the cheapest car insurance quote they may qualify for.
Search the internet for the cheapest auto insurance quote
Anyone looking for a new car insurance policy should scour the internet for information, as many private companies and state Departments of Insurance post auto insurance rates and customer satisfaction reports on their websites. In addition to prices, a state’s department of insurance usually publishes consumer complaint ratios for companies providing coverage in their area, indicating how many complaints a certain insurer has received per every 1,000 claims filed. Shoppers should also check out reviews from J.D. Power and Associates, which collects data from policyholders across the country and rates companies based on factors such as price, coverage options and claims handling.
Vehicle model is also important consideration when looking for cheap car insurance quotes. Expensive, flashy or heavily modified cars are more likely to be targeted for theft, which can boost insurance rates. Plus, pricey automobiles often have specialty pieces that could be expensive to repair in the event of a collision, also causing providers to up the cost of coverage for those models.
States with large rural populations pay less for car insurance
Shoppers should also know that location can have a huge effect on insurance prices. While premiums often vary state-to-state, rural areas typically qualify for the lowest auto premiums because drivers encounter fewer vehicles, lessening the chances of both accidents and theft. In 2010, states with large rural populations such as Iowa, New Hampshire and Vermont had the least expensive annual rates, with Maine coming in as the cheapest state with an average premium of $902.
Cheap car insurance depends on how much you drive
Insurance shoppers with a short commute may want to consider purchasing a pay-as-you-drive policy, now available from multiple companies, which allows consumers to receive discounts on their premiums for driving less. A leading car insurance website reported the more someone drivers, the more likely they are to get into accident, something companies consider when deciding on policy rates.
The more driving tickets you have, the higher cost for your car insurance
Having a strong driving record is one of the most direct ways a motorist can secure an inexpensive car insurance policy. Receiving multiple tickets for actions such as speeding or texting while driving can easily increase rates, as insurers know those behaviors increase the likelihood a driver will become involved in an accident.
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