Nearly all drivers want to save as much as possible on their auto insurance policies. However, few realize that certain actions they take may make them eligible for lower rates. By actively taking advantage of all potential discounts, drivers may be able to get a cheap car insurance quote.
Multiple car discounts
Drivers may be eligible for discounts by placing multiple cars on the same policy. This discount is particularly helpful for two-car families or those with children who have recently reached driving age. In that situation, savings may be maximized by a joint-policy, as insurance premiums are usually higher for those under 25.
Additionally, some insurers also offer discounts to those who have multiple policies with the same insurance company. In other words, many major auto insurers also carry homeowners and life insurance options, which, along with a cheap car insurance quote, may lead to savings.
Anti-theft devices
Installing anti-theft devices on vehicles is another simple way to get a cheap car insurance quote. These include alarm systems as well as locks on steering wheels, tires, trunks and hoods. Having a vehicle equipped with these precautionary features may limit its risk of being stolen. Therefore, it also reduces the relative risk for the auto insurance company, resulting in lower premiums.
Lower optional coverage
Reducing optional coverage rates may be another useful tool that can help make a driver eligible for a cheap auto insurance quote. Optional comprehensive or collision coverage is not required on a policy, but can be helpful nonetheless. Drivers may benefit from maintaining the coverage, but simply reducing the maximum amount the policy will cover.
Another option way to get a cheap car insurance quote is to reduce the premium payments by choosing to pay a higher deductible in the event of an accident. However, experts say that drivers should thoroughly consider this decision before making the change, and may only want to modify the policy in this manner if they have enough money set aside to pay the higher deductible in the event of an accident.
Many have been hit hard by the recession. That could make many drivers better appreciate the money they save when they get a cheap car insurance quote, as it could potentially serve a number of other purposes.