Auto insurance is a significant, but necessary cost for most Americans. However, many of them stick with the same insurance provider for years without thinking that some simple research can help them find a lower rate. There are many ways for an interested buyer to get a car insurance quote that fits their lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Differences between insurers
While every car insurance company considers the same basic factors – an applicant’s age, driving record and location – to determine auto insurance quotes, there may be other factors that differ between companies. For instance, many insurers use credit scores to help set rates, believing that good financial standing overall indicates the driver will likely pay their bills on time.
In addition, every company weighs each part of a driver’s history differently, creating different rates for the same person. Some insurers may place more weight on a past claim or incident, while others won’t emphasize it as much. With the right company, those minor differences can add up to a significantly lower car insurance quote.
Check for discounts
Shoppers should also inquire about policy discounts when getting a car insurance quote. Some companies offer premium discounts for high school or college students who have a high grade point average, something parents should remember when searching for quotes.
In addition, safety features such as anti-lock brakes and airbags may also qualify for policy discounts under some insurers. Even keeping a vehicle in a garage – where it is less exposed – may result in a lower rate from some insurers.
Use the internet to find quotes
In today’s digital age, car insurance shoppers can easily research quotes on the internet. There are a number of websites which allow consumers to compare rates from a number of different companies at once, without having to spend time talking with insurance agents or company representatives.
The web also provides plenty of additional independent resources to help auto insurance shoppers determine the quality of different insurers. Those interested in getting a car insurance quote should research the complaint history of different insurers that operate in their area. That way, they aren’t caught unaware by a company with poor customer service when they have an accident.