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So far admin3 has created 8 blog entries.
2 09, 2011

New auto security features limit theft and cut car insurance quotes

By | September 2nd, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Technology has improved greatly across nearly every aspect of everyday life. One of the areas which has seen significant development is the security features designed for today's automobiles. Auto theft remains a significant problem. More than 1.2 million vehicles are stolen each year in the U.S. Many of those are never recovered, or are found [...]

31 08, 2011

Price comparisons on car insurance quotes desirable for older vehicles

By | August 31st, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

With the economy still not fully recovered, many drivers have looked to find ways to save money on their bills. Many consumers have started clipping coupons, trimming their cable television packages or skipping their morning cup of coffee to save money. Many drivers have also looked at their car insurance quotes as a place where [...]

26 09, 2011

How Car Maintenance Lowers Auto Insurance Quotes

By | September 26th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

While drivers should always make sure they have sufficient auto insurance protection the importance of taking care of the vehicle also cannot be overstated. Preventive maintenance is a critical part of making sure an auto lasts as long as possible and doesn't result in costly repair bills. Each car has different maintenance needs so drivers [...]

26 09, 2011

Top 10 reasons to get comprehensive Car Insurance

By | September 26th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

While it's not mandatory for those researching car insurance, comprehensive car insurance coverage includes protection from a number of different dangers that car owners may otherwise need to pay for themselves. 1. Theft - One of the most significant advantages of having comprehensive coverage is that it means the insurance company will pay if the [...]

26 09, 2011

How the STANDUP Act Will Impact Driving Safety

By | September 26th, 2011|Recent Articles|Comments Off on How the STANDUP Act Will Impact Driving Safety

In 2009 more than 2,300 drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 were killed in auto accidents. Those same accidents also killed more than 3,300 other people, including passengers, pedestrians and people in other vehicles. The statistics also mean drivers between 16 and 19 are four times more likely to be killed than those [...]

26 09, 2011

Cheap auto insurance quotes can help prevent auto repair anxiety

By | September 26th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

As most car owners know, no matter how well they maintain their vehicle there is always the chance something could break and leave them with a significant auto repair bill they may have trouble paying. Whether it is a simple flat tire or something more serious, the chance always exists that something could go wrong, [...]

26 09, 2011

Cheaper car insurance quotes can counteract high gas prices

By | September 26th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

As gas prices rise over the summer and Labor Day holiday, many families looking to take a vacation or road trip may be feeling an added strain on their budgets with the economy still struggling. However, drivers may be able to save money by switching which company they get their car insurance quotes from. According [...]

20 09, 2011

Is Pay Per Mile Insurance Worth It And Does It Affect Car Insurance Quotes?

By | September 20th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

There are numerous benefits to acquiring a pay-as-you-go policy, but there also may be some drawbacks. Similar to a prepaid wireless phone, a pay per mile insurance policy gives the policy holder a balance of miles they can use for a period of time. For instance, a person may purchase 1000 miles per month on [...]