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Car insurance is mandatory for drivers in most US states. To drive legally on the roads, you need to have an optimum coverage. If you are caught driving without insurance, you may be subjected to strict penalties such as paying substantial fines and suspension of your driving license or imprisonment.

Many people might drive without insurance in order to save some money. There are some ways to saving considerably in your car insurance premium cost.

If you have an idea about how your car insurance premiums are calculated, it will help you to select the best money saving offers from the numerous policies offered by insurance providers

However, it isn’t very easy to get the lowest car insurance premiums as it depends on many factors that affect rates.

Before you start analyzing the mechanisms of premium calculation, let’s just become aware of the legal requirements for driving and car

Insurance prices.

First, all drivers need to be at least 17 years old, have a provisional of full driver’s license and drive a type of vehicle allowed by the type of license.

The amount you spend in car insurance premiums depends on factors like your age, sex, driving habits and the make and model of your car, safety features installed. Young drivers are generally considered more inexperienced and thus charged higher premium rates. Insurance companies also take into account the gender of  the driver. Women are considered as more sensible and disciplined drivers and hence are cheaper to insure.

To know the factors that influence your car premium rates and understand them well, you need to spend some time online comparing some free car insurance quotes offered by various insurance websites. Filling the form just by altering some key parameters can give you an idea about how those factors affect the rate of your premiums.

However, different insurance companies evaluate their risk factors differently.

Car insurance quotes offered by one company may differ a lot from the free quotes offered by other companies. You require shopping around and choosing the best fit for your needs.

As you learn more about how the companies calculate your car insurance premium rates, you will be able to understand the factors affecting your car insurance well and use them to your own advantage, in order to save upon your premium rates.